Some of our Data analysis and Visualization Projects
Data Dashboards
Dattaset Content Performence Dashboard
Our content performance dashboard, updates automatically and was designed for one of our clients to have a clear view of the performance of all the content published on their website. The dashboard is designed in such a way that its users can detect the patterns and metrics contained in it in an organized way to facilitate decision-making.
* Content Overview, for a general performance overview of the website.
* Page Analysis, this section contains all relevant information related to the pages and articles published on the site.
* Readers, this section seeks to quantify and classify all visitors to the website, to identify demographic trends for possible content optimization.
Data Source: Google Analytics
Tools: Looker Studio (Data Studio), Google Analytics
Data Dashboards
Dattaset Website Speed Performance Dashboard
This dashboard was developed to constantly analyze the performance of our client’s website.
Thanks to this we were able to find actionable insights about the website speed performance, like which pages are slow or fast and indentifiyung potential technical timing inssues that impact user experience.
Data Source: Google Analytics
Tools: Looker Studio (Google Data Studio) and Google Analytics
Data Dashboards
Chatbot Data Analysis and Visualization Project
For our client, the objective was to develop a way to analyze and visualize activity in more than 100,000 messages, 196 groups, and 163 users, this is one of my favorite projects because I learned a lot from it and I love challenges.
Among the findings we obtained are the most active days and hours of the users, the percentage of messages sent in each of the groups, and the average response rate of each user among many others.
Data source: Client’s Database
Tools: Python, Looker Studio, Pandas and Google Spreadsheets